the last time i was pretty lazy but now im happy to write some reviews of 4 brushes i lately got.
Morris & Forndran Blonde Badger 32mm/55mm loft with Sicknote handle in Cocobolo
First up is a Brush which was partly made by myself. I turned the handle out of cocobolo. Than i've sent this handle to lee sabini and he put in there a 32mm blonde badger knot set at about 55mm. The first picture is the pre bloomed brush. On the second picture you could see it after using. I grabbed in there with my fingers, thats why there are a small hole in it. (I know i shouldnt grab it like this).
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sicknote / morris & forndran blonde badger prebloom |
sicknote / morris forndran blonde badger postbloom |
The Face feel of this brush is exceptional. It has tons of backbone and soft tips with a little scritch to it. It is a really scrubby brush which i really like. I never thought, that a 2 band brush could feel so different like the TGN finest extra hair knots. My Rooney Heritage 2XL feels different to the tgn aswell but not as far as this one. So far this is one of my top 5 brushes which i never ever would sell. I also have to say a big thanks to Lee Sabini who made this brush possible with his really nice knot. It has a nearly perfect flow through and do not hog lather like my 2xl sometimes do if im too economical while loading. Also the shape looks really perfect for me, there is no hair which is too long or too short, it is really dense but not overly packed just perfectly balanced. For me this hair comes really close to the finest hair. Not as scritchy but it hasnt the gel feel like the 2xl.
Rooney Finest 1/1, 1/2 & 3/2
I read so much about these brushes on the american boards that i was really eager to get one of this. I know that there is a little hype about some stuff but this time i wanted to be part of this hype. :D
I've read so often that this hair is the best one ever made and that it is too bad, that it isnt available anymore and so i wanted to know, if it is true. Are they really as dense, firm, scrubby and/or scritchy? All that i wanted to know. So i asked in the boards if someone would sell one of these brushes. After about 7 months waiting i was able to buy 3 rooney finest brushes a syle 3/size 2 (3/2), 1/2 and a 1/1
Rooney Finest 3/2, 1/2 and 1/1 |
Rooney Finest 3/2
First one i write about is the 3/2. This brush has a pretty long loft but still lots of backbone. Not as much as my Bulb brushes where the shorter hair hold the longers but for that high loft (about 58mm) it has lots of it. Dry the Tips of this brush feel really really soft, softer than all my other brushes. I wondered about this, because i've read that the finest should have lots of scritch to it. When i had it wet in my face i noticed a little scritch. The face feel is really extraordinary. Nothing i ever tested is like this hair. It is soft while having still a little scritch to it which is really enjoyable. It has the most perfect flow through i ever experienced all of the lather is given perfectly to the face it doesnt hog lather at all. For me the brush still could be a little firmer than it is. This is because of the long loft. For me worth every penny. The Handle is perfectly shaped and ergonomical. I use this brush for cremes and for soaps.
Finest 3/2 |
Finest 1/2
First i thought this one would be the better Finest out of the 3/2 and 1/2 but i was wrong. This Brush has the same extraordinary face feel like the 3/2 but it is a little floppy. For me this brush isnt a face lathering brush because it isnt scrubby at all. I mainly use this for creams or soaps and lather up in a scuttle/mug. Than i use paitning motions to get the lather on my face. The flowthrough is as perfect as the 3/2. I think the knot is a little to small for the hole in the handle and thats why it isnt that dense and a little floppy. Still i think this is in my top 5 list aswell.
Finest 1/2 |
Finest 1/1 prototype
This little thing is a prototype which was made before the series (i think) to test it or whatever. The previous owner got it directly from the rooney owner. This little thing hast a 23mm knot and a 46mm loft. It is the most dense packed brush i've ever seen. It is a really scrubby beast while having little scritch to it. The previous owner said that it is scritchy like hell. Maybe he got a really sensitive skin. :D This knot looks a bit different than the other two finests. The tips aren't that white and the base of the knot is more dark brown while the others base is black but the face feel of this brush is even better than the other ones. I would say this is my best brush so far. Maybe i'll find a short lofted and really dense finest 1/2 or 1/3 sometimes. If you got one you want to sell, let me know. :D
Finest 1/1 prototype |
Finest 1/1 prototype |