Montag, 4. April 2011

new stone & new soap


on friday i received a new little stone from maxim ( Its a really small oozuku (140mmx40mmx10mm).

So how does it feel? Well, i could tell you. I've got a razor to hone ready and my mikawa Naguras. First i set the bevel on my shapton 2k. Then i raised slurry with my botan nagura and started to hone. Wow, this feels really really creamy. I wondered a little bit cause maxim told me that this is a really hard stone. It feels more creamy than my other razor size oozuku. After the botan nagura i done the usual progress: mejiro - koma - tomo nagura - water only. after that the bevel looks nearly like a mirror. the hanging hair test was no problem at all. First i thought the size might make some problems, but i was wrong. it could be a bit longer but again i realized that i like narrow stones. I have a narror coticule aswell and forgot about that. :D All over this is a really nice stone.

I've managed to go to Berlin last weekend. Surely i visited Antje from Olivia's shaving supplies. There i talked over 2 hours about razors, soap and shaving. Also i bought some soaps for my girfriend and the myrrhe shaving soap with a bowl. here it is on my shave of the day picture.

1 Kommentar:

  1. I am very glad that you liked your stone :)
    Just found your blog !
    Thanks for sharing :)
