Donnerstag, 14. April 2011

Kamisori shave, traditional or not?


i recently only shave with kamisoris. Now the question is how to shave with it. Should i do the traditionall way and use just one side or should i be a "bad" guy and use both sides. For me a Kamisori is nothing else than a razor and should be used how it feels right like every razor else. I know that it is made for using just one side, but as far as i know they're made for barbers shaving third persons with it.

The last week i shaved with the traditional way using only one side of the razor. Yesterday i used this razor:

Razorsmith: Henkotsu 

This is one of my favourite Kamisoris and plays in league with my iwasaki. Using only the one side against the face felt really strange when i first tried it. I watched Jim Rions Clip on youtube and tried it his way. I have one big problem the traditional way which is shaving against the grain without at least one pass before that. It first hurt a bit, after one week shaving it wasnt that bad anymore. I just used the right hand for shaving this way.

The times before this week i shaved with both hands and with both sides of the razor. For me this is lots easier and i get better results with it. No western razor could compare with this results.

So what to do next shaves. I think i'll shave with both techniques and the feeling decides which one i choose. :D So someday i'm a "bad guy" and some day i'm a "traditional guy".

So to all traditional guys, dont take all this traditions too serious. Dont live in the past or future! Live now and do like you want.

By the way: I just finished my selfcreated Edt today. it smells pretty good. Not as good as professional edt makers do, but good enough for me.

Montag, 4. April 2011

new stone & new soap


on friday i received a new little stone from maxim ( Its a really small oozuku (140mmx40mmx10mm).

So how does it feel? Well, i could tell you. I've got a razor to hone ready and my mikawa Naguras. First i set the bevel on my shapton 2k. Then i raised slurry with my botan nagura and started to hone. Wow, this feels really really creamy. I wondered a little bit cause maxim told me that this is a really hard stone. It feels more creamy than my other razor size oozuku. After the botan nagura i done the usual progress: mejiro - koma - tomo nagura - water only. after that the bevel looks nearly like a mirror. the hanging hair test was no problem at all. First i thought the size might make some problems, but i was wrong. it could be a bit longer but again i realized that i like narrow stones. I have a narror coticule aswell and forgot about that. :D All over this is a really nice stone.

I've managed to go to Berlin last weekend. Surely i visited Antje from Olivia's shaving supplies. There i talked over 2 hours about razors, soap and shaving. Also i bought some soaps for my girfriend and the myrrhe shaving soap with a bowl. here it is on my shave of the day picture.